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© USA for UNHCR/Nicholas Feeney

USA for UNHCR Supports the Local Integration Program in Mexico

Seema D. Iyer, PhD, Senior Director of The Hive — USA for UNHCR’s innovation lab — traveled to Mexico in July to witness firsthand how the Local Integration Program, an initiative supported by USA for UNHCR, is making a direct impact on the lives of refugees, asylum seekers and the local community in Mexico.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has long recognized local integration into host communities as one of the most durable solutions for refugees forced to flee their homes. As Mexico transforms from a country refugees and asylum seekers pass through to a destination country they remain in to rebuild their lives, support for this program will be crucial in ensuring refugees have access to livelihood support, educational opportunities and more.

“This change all starts with the power of human connection,” said Seema, Senior Director of The Hive. “Witnessing the work of my colleagues in Mexico firsthand was inspiring and gives me hope that refugees rebuilding their lives in Mexico will do so with support, dignity and a real chance for a safer, brighter future.”